速報APP / 生活品味 / GAP Central (Young Ministry)

GAP Central (Young Ministry)





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




GAP Central (Young Ministry)(圖1)-速報App

G.A.P. (God's Anointed Purpose) Ministry is empowering a generation to discover their identity in Christ and to take their place in the Kingdom in order to fulfill the Great Commission. We are a group of diverse young adults who love God and people and are addicted to missions, prayer, worship and evangelism.

When you download this App you will be instantly connected to our latest events, sermons and podcasts. In addition you will also be able to watch our LIVE stream video, connect to our Facebook and Twitter and even donate through the App.

GAP Central (Young Ministry)(圖2)-速報App

PLUS.... you will will be updated on all of our upcoming events, and be able to share your, prayer requests, pics and testimonies from GAP events or everyday walk with Christ and even record the sermons. You will also have access to a "multi-version" Bible inside the App and much more all in the palm of your hand.


GAP Central (Young Ministry)(圖3)-速報App

• Event Cam - take photos at our conventions or events, and send them here.

• Ask A Question - recorder a message and send via email for the answer.

GAP Central (Young Ministry)(圖4)-速報App

• Event Calender - view current and upcoming ministry events.

• Online Sermons - listen to sermons while on the go with our built-in audio player.

GAP Central (Young Ministry)(圖5)-速報App

• Prayer Wall - post your unlimited prayer request.

• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containing important church updates.

GAP Central (Young Ministry)(圖6)-速報App

GAP Young Adult Ministry, visit: http://www.gapgen.org

Thank You "My Pocket Church App" for an Amazing App.